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How Can I Get Rid of My Corns and Calluses?

Your skin puts up with a lot, from sun exposure to friction as you move. That’s particularly apparent on your feet, where it’s fairly common to get corns and calluses. These thickened areas of skin develop as you move, putting pressure on certain points — often, where your shoes rub. 

If you’re dealing with a callus, a corn, or both, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of that thicker skin. That’s doubly true if the area is painful. 

We can help. As specialists in skin conditions like corns and calluses, Samantha Childers, DPM, and Ricky Childers, DPM, work with you to explore your options. Here at our North Central Texas Foot & Ankle offices in Roanoke and Decatur, Texas, we can create a personalized treatment plan to help you get rid of your callus or corn. 

In a lot of cases, that means applying the right kind of at-home care. 

Addressing calluses and corns at home

Often, you can safely remove the thickened portion of your skin at home. 

One caveat here: Don’t try this if you have diabetes. Let our team perform the corn or callus removal to prevent complications.

If you don’t have diabetes, start by soaking your feet in warm water for about ten minutes. This softens up the thickened skin. Then, take an emery board or pumice stone and move it across the callus or corn in one direction. Your goal is to remove the dead tissue that makes up the thickened skin, but not any of the healthy skin underneath. Go slowly and carefully. 

Moisturize the area after treatment. Using a moisturizer with ammonium lactate or urea can help to further soften the corn or callus. 

Other treatment options

Usually, if you repeat the above steps a few times, it should be enough to remove the callus or corn. If you’re not noticing improvement, evaluate your shoes and socks. Some of your footwear may be rubbing the area, making the callus or corn worse and undoing your removal efforts. 

You can also use donut-style adhesive pads to protect the area from friction. 

If the callus or corn hurts, apply ice for 10 minutes at a time to soothe any swelling.

Keep your toenails trimmed short and straight across, too. This can minimize the friction points as you move throughout your day. 

This is an overview of some of the most effective ways to remove corns and calluses and prevent them from worsening. But if you want a tailored, step-by-step plan for your specific feet, we’re here. Call or send an online message to one of our offices today.

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