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5 Signs It’s Time to Consider Bunion Surgery

At first, a bunion might not seem like a big deal. Your foot may look a little different, sure, but with proper shoes and plenty of rest, you might feel fine.

Over time, though, bunions can worsen. The conservative treatments that helped at first might stop being effective. At that point, Samantha Childers, DPM, and Ricky Childers, DPM, often recommend bunion removal surgery (a bunionectomy). Here at North Central Texas Foot & Ankle in Roanoke and Decatur, Texas, our team can help you find the right treatment option for your unique feet.  

Here are a few reasons we might encourage you to consider bunion surgery. 

1. You have persistent foot pain

Bunions can cause serious foot pain, making the mere thought of getting up for a glass of water feel daunting. This leads to many people giving up hobbies and activities like a stroll with friends or family. To avoid pain, you might stop doing things you used to enjoy. In short, a bunion can seriously interfere with your quality of life.

At that point, bunion surgery could be what you need to get your mobility — and all of the good things that come with it — back. 

2. Lifestyle changes haven’t helped

Some bunions respond well to simple changes. If you’ve already tried flat, comfortable shoes and plenty of rest, it’s time to ramp up your treatment plan. 

3. Other treatments haven’t, either

Here at North Central Texas Foot & Ankle, we might recommend bunion treatments like:

Some people get relief with a personalized combination of these options. But if you’re still dealing with serious foot pain after trying these treatments, it’s a sign it’s worth exploring bunion surgery. 

4. You’re having other foot problems

Bunions can cause issues with the digits of your foot, from the drifting of your big toe over your other toes to the inability to bend and straighten your big toe. You might also get hammertoes or bursitis as a result of a bunion.

Getting bunion surgery means realigning the joints of your big toe to alleviate other foot problems and prevent permanent deformity. 

5. You’re ready to get back on your feet

After bunion surgery, you should get back to your regular activities within 6-12 weeks

Imagine living your life without foot pain just a few months from now. If that sounds ideal, don’t hesitate to talk to Drs. Childers about a bunionectomy. 

To explore if bunion removal surgery could be right for you, call or message one of our offices today.

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